Staying safe and efficient: TRUE’s response to COVID-19 and resources to leverage

Published on: 
17 Jun 2020
Celeste McMickle

The impact of COVID-19 will be felt for years to come—on the economy, on people and on our way of life. 在商业和生活中保持弹性,需要每个行业和个人以我们可能从未想过的速度适应. In response to COVID-19, USGBC和GBCI概述了一系列行动和优先事项,这些行动和优先事项将支持全球恢复工作,并利用我们社区的力量为所有人塑造一个更健康的未来. 

Read about USGBC and GBCI’s global recovery effort

How TRUE can address COVID-19

We are committed to the safe and efficient operation of facilities, as we know that this protects people and the environment. The TRUE Rating System inherently provides avenues to address the COVID-19 crisis, while also addressing sustainability. 

TRUE提供的最大风险降低和弹性策略是首先防止废物(甚至可回收)材料的产生. 更少的材料处理意味着更少的伤害或疾病的风险,为清洁人员和废物管理工人. In addition, 几乎不产生多余的材料意味着减少对运输公司和其他外部机构的依赖, leading to a greater ability to weather changes in the marketplace. For what materials are left, 许多TRUE积分和最低计划要求鼓励在源头上对固体废物和可回收材料进行适当的收集和分类. 这减少了工人直接接触污染材料的需要. 评级系统还包括在需要时有利于居住者和社区的策略, such as food donation, using local businesses and growing food on-site. 

How USGBC and GBCI are responding to the pandemic

During COVID19, 许多获得TRUEbt365真人的设施为了其工作人员的安全已经改变或停止了其操作. Along with adapting principles and practices from the rating system, 还有一些其他的技巧和最新的资源,以确保一个安全和有效的重新占用TRUE团队想要提供. Most important, is the health and safety of employees. 

USGBC最近发布了一些资源来帮助管理和重新占用建筑, including LEED Safety First Pilot Credits and the Arc Re-Entry tool. Whenever possible, 请慢慢把住户转移到设施中,当他们回来的时候,试着错开一个空间里的人数. COVID-19 has had a big impact on the waste and recycling industry. Certain waste management infrastructures are temporarily unavailable随着全球安全协议的增加,产生了更多的废物流. Your company may have altered your current waste contracts during this time. As your team transitions back, try and work with your hauler as appropriate to ramp back up to normal operations. Remember, they may be facing the same challenges as your team due to staffing.

With the emergence of COVID-19, GBCI调整了我们的bt365真人审核流程,为项目团队提供了灵活性, help them update their certification work plans and extend timelines. 我们的目标是为我们的客户稳定船舶,并关注所有参与bt365真人和验证活动的人员的健康和安全. GBCI的专家也具有独特的优势,可以为所有项目提供与COVID-19相关的信息和资源, and will continue to proactively share evolving best practices, 收集与covid -19相关的bt365真人反馈,并指导用户使用精心策划和值得信赖的资源. 我们致力于帮助项目小组适应我们面临的新现实,并促进废物管理工作人员的健康和安全, and will continue to take the following actions to support you:

  1. Adapted certification processGBCI立即修订了TRUEbt365真人流程,以确保项目团队的健康和安全, GBCI staff and reviewers. 这包括推迟或暂停TRUEbt365真人的现场评估阶段,并在需要时实施远程审核和评估程序. 已建立的过程旨在尽可能减少对项目的影响, while also taking all necessary precautions against the spread of COVID-19. GBCI将评估永久性过渡到远程审查和评估模式的各种选择.
  1. New TRUE Safety First Pilot Credits: GBCI发布了TRUE试点积分,以推广最佳做法要求,以支持管理和废物管理工作人员的健康和安全.Learn about to utilize the new credits.
  1. Flexibility for affected projects: With some facilities either being shut down or operating with reduced staff, we understand there may be an impact on performance data. GBCI鼓励项目团队与外界接触,讨论受影响设施的备选方案. 我们的目标是确保项目在这段时间内可以放心地对操作进行更改,而不必担心这会如何影响bt365真人状态.
  1. Virtual Events: All in-person events for TRUE, including workshops and trainings, have been transitioned to virtual events for the remainder of 2020. Please visit the TRUE events page to learn more about upcoming offerings.
  1. Guidance Resources: GBCI将汇编和共享资源,提供关于最佳做法的具体指导,使健康和安全成为我们追求智能发展的更加优先事项, equitable and sustainable recovery, including:
  1. FAQs: GBCI将继续快速开发和发布常见的常见问题解答和bt365真人解决方案 & credentialing impacts from COVID-19 for GBCI programs including TRUE. You can access these here.

Helpful resources 

In addition, 在这个时候,除了TRUE评级制度外,设施还可以采取其他措施来保护居住者和社区. 清洁人员和废物管理人员是这场大流行的一些无名英雄,他们在这段时间里一直在工作. In addition to celebrating the essential workers in our communities, 我们还需要找到支持他们的方法,使他们的工作不会对他们及其家人的健康构成不必要的风险. Some great tips can be found here. Protecting those with the most vulnerable and dangerous jobs is paramount. 

Experts across the world have also been developing resources to support businesses, 设施以及回收和堆肥行业专业人员在2019冠状病毒病大流行期间安全有效地管理资源. Here are some resources we think may be helpful to the TRUE community:

Zero Waste Community Resources

Industry News & Thought Leadership

Business Assistance and Other Resources

As more information is available, 我们期望扩大和完善本页的资源,并提出管理方面预防措施的最佳建议 zero waste effortsduring the COVID-19 pandemic.

Have ideas and insights? We would love to hear from you. Let us know what is important in your community during this time by emailing us at [email protected]
